If you ever needed an excuse to drag the kids and wife out for a day of biting mosquitos, “slimy” worms, and “stinky, wet” fish, Father’s Day is it. All joking aside, Father’s Day has now passed and I feel so blessed to have had the chance to spend it with those I care for. Recent circumstances, and the sudden loss of a grandfather, have shown me that even 100 years is just the blink of an eye on Earth. I’m nearly half-way to 80 as I write this now, and each year seems to fly by faster.


What I’m trying to say is that time spent together, in whatever capacity, is better than time spent alone. I could spend all day playing video games and have a lot of fun, but will I have made a meaningful connection with someone important to me? I could spend the day reading and enjoy an amazing story, but could I have had a chat with someone close to me instead? I could use an evening to catch up on my favorite shows, but maybe a small game of Boggle with my wife could have served me better? Just thoughts that have been taxing my brain lately. All of the above things are fun and have there own place and time, but when we can choose time with people over things, we learn, grow, and mature just a little more. AND we are better for it.


The older we get Dad’s, the more I, and maybe you, realize we get our kids, WHILE they are kids; because once they are adults, life takes over (one day everyone realizes it). So, take some time today, with whomever you’re close to. De-hook that smelly bullhead for your kid OR for the old man. Take a couple extra mosquito bites, to stay just a bit longer. And hey, if you’re in a good spot, maybe Dad can bait your hook with that slimy worm.


The Dubuque Arboretum & Botanical Gardens

A stroll through the Dubuque Arboretum & Botanical Gardens in Early Spring

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