As temperatures begin to warm up and Illinois residents start to recreate on local waterways and rivers, there's the threat of a dangerous toxin in some recreation areas.

The reminder comes annually from the Illinois EPA as seasonal weather sets up the potential for harmful algal (cyanobacteria) blooms on our waterways. Still, there are many ways to prepare yourself.

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When the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) confirms bloom-producing toxins, signage is posted by local officials to warn residents wherever waters are affected.


Not all of the harmful algal blooms are initially identified by the IDPH, so here are some warning signs to look for in a body of water that could be hazardous:

  • looks like spilled green or blue-green paint;
  • has surface scums, mats, or films;
  • has a blue or green crust at the shoreline;
  • is discolored or has green-colored streaks; or
  • has greenish globs suspended in the water below the surface.
If you see a bloom that doesn't have warning signs posted, report it to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency using their online form, or through other sources available HERE.
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Young kids, the elderly, and those with a compromised immune system are most at risk for illness from contact with a bloom, which can happen when swimming or recreating in or around contaminated water.
Some symptoms of exposure to an algal bloom include:
  • rashes,
  • hives,
  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting,
  • coughing, or wheezing

More severe symptoms are possible depending on the length of exposure.

Animals should be kept away from water that has signs of an algal bloom. They shouldn't swim in, drink from, or lick their fur after being in water that has contamination.

For extensive information and photos of Algal Bloom's, CLICK HERE.

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Gallery Credit: Sophia June

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