We all know that President Obama is a huge rap fan, so it’s only right that he brings some fun and hip-hop to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. In a clip, POTUS helps Hamilton star Lin-Manuel Miranda spit a congressional freestyle on Monday (March 14).

According to reports, after the Hamilton cast performed several tunes from their popular Broadway show in the East Room, Miranda and President Obama treated the media to a “Rose Garden” freestyle.

Miranda grab the mic, while Obama held up cue cards with various presidential words, like "POTUS," "Obamacare," “Oval Office” and “Supreme Court." The highlight comes at the end when President Obama does the invisible mic drop and says, "You think that's going viral? That's going viral."

We think so too. And after you watch this, go cop tickets to Hamilton where you will hear all kinds of presidential bars. Word up.

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