During the Monday, May 17, Dubuque City Council meeting, the mayor and city council voted to repeal Dubuque's face covering ordinance as soon as possible.Iowa public meeting laws require at least 24 hours public notice for changes to city ordinances and publication in the local newspaper.  Based on these requirements, the Dubuque City Council will meet at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 19, to formally vote to repeal the face covering ordinance.  Official notice of the action will be published in the Telegraph Herald on Thursday, May 20.

This decision follows new guidance issued by the CDC last week which advised that individuals fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can resume activities they did before the pandemic without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, including local business and workplace guidance.  Local businesses and private property owners may still require customers/visitors to wear masks.

Remember, you are considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19:

  • 2 weeks after the second shot of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
  • 2 weeks after 1 dose of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine
Residents not yet vaccinated are encouraged to get vaccinated and to continue precautions until they are.  Multiple opportunities are available locally.  For details, visit www.dubuquecounty.org/sleevesup or call the Sleeves Up! Call Center at 563.690.6253.
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