New ‘Captain America 2′ Posters Spotlight the Winter Solider and Falcon
Like any superhero worth his salt, Captain America has his fair share of unique allies and enemies, and 'Captain America 2' is bringing a whole bunch of them to the big screen for the first time. We've already seen character posters for the Cap, Black Widow and Nick Fury, but the latest one-sheets highlight figures who are making their grand entrances into the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Anthony Mackie's Falcon and Sebastian Stan's Winter Soldier.
These 'Captain America 2' posters are from international marketing, but we imagine domestic versions will be online soon. Both feature their respective character in a badass pose while things explode in the background and sparks inexplicably fly in front of them. It wouldn't be a poster for a Marvel movie without inexplicable sparks!
Sparks aside, these posters only confirm what we already know from the trailers: these characters look terrific. The Winter Soldier is very faithful to his original comic book design and the Falcon takes a character who should have been goofy and grounding him just enough to have him fit in with this new world. Muy bueno, Marvel.
'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' opens on April 4, 2014. Get a closer look at the posters below.
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