Even if you hunt, you're not likely to see a piebald deer in your lifetime. For one Illinois hunter, not only did he see one of these rare bucks, but he took it down with only a bow as his video share proves.
When you see an animal in distress, you've got a decision to make. Do you just move on with your life and let nature take its course or do you risk your own well-being and intervene to help the animal? For one kind-hearted Illinois woman, the decision was easy. Save the deer.
Avoid These Five Deadly Fall Driving Hazards! Accidents can be devastating and expensive, and the few extra minutes you save may come at a tremendous cost.
Iowa Dove Hunters Prepare for September 1 Opening Day. Iowa's Dove season lasts from September 1 to November 29, shooting hours one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. The daily bag limit is 15.
O Say, Can You See The Fawn In Early Light? Recent statistics indicate that Iowa is often in the Top 5 for the highest state for coming into a collision with a deer is possible. Wisconsin ranks close behind.