If you're really feeling the fall vibe or appreciate all things farm, the Iowa Fall All-State Barn Tour is getting ready to happen.

Iowa Barn Foundation is hosting their 2023 Fall All-State Barn Tour on September 16-17 across the state. There are over 70 barns that are part of the free, self-guided tour, which includes multiple barns in the QCA and across Eastern Iowa.

The barns are going to be open from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. for you to look around in on both Saturday and Sunday (unless specified differently by the individual barns). The barns in the tour got matching grants from the Iowa Barn Foundation or they've received an Award of Distinction for an excellent restoration job.

Herb's Crib, which is in Davenport, is on the tour. It's one of 8 round barns in the lineup. It was built in 1926 at 23553 200th Avenue and looks like this:

Iowa Barn Foundation
Iowa Barn Foundation

There are also barns in Wilton, West Liberty, Tipton, Clarence, and north of the QCA, there are tour barns in Preston and Zwingle. You can see the full map of barns on the tour at Iowa Barn Foundation's website.

The function of the farms that the barns are on runs the agricultural gamut. There are dairy and cattle barns on the map, agricultural co-ops, barns for baling and storing hay, and some for keeping horses.

It's harvest season, everyone is taking family pictures with barns and hay this time of the year anyway. Might as well learn about Iowa ag history while you're at it, right?

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Stacker compiled a list of the most common chain restaurants in Iowa using data from the Friendly City Lab at Georgia Tech.

The following statistics are based on data from the year 2022