Party Time? Illinois Ranked Among America’s Most Fun States Again
What's your idea of fun? Your answer will likely determine whether you agree with a new ranking which claims Illinois is one of the most fun states - again.
This interesting study comes from Wallet Hub. They poured an unusual amount of science into what makes a place fun including a staggering 26 different metrics according to their methodology. The two big categories were "Entertainment & Recreation" and "Nightlife". Look at Illinois, the big party headquarters allegedly.
Illinois gets really high marks in both of the big categories. Let me take a wild guess what's happening here. Since shoreline is a plus for fun, we should thank Lake Michigan and the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers?
For nightlife, it's obvious the survey respondents are thinking of Chicago when writing down Illinois on their ballot. I suppose a few at U of I in Champaign/Urbana would like some credit for the high nightlife score, too.
I think this is another case where there's Illinois and then there's Chicago. The partygoers love Chicago and just say Illinois to be generous. Hey, but our hay rides in the Fall months do rock in downstate Illinois though.
Check out the full fun ranking if you'd like to see where the other life of the party people live (allegedly).
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Gallery Credit: decayingmidwest via YouTube